10 avis en français à propos du produit Creality Plaque d'Impression PEI
79 évaluations écrites dans d'autres langues
5 étoile(s) | | 128 | (78%) |
4 étoile(s) | | 19 | (11%) |
3 étoile(s) | | 7 | (4%) |
2 étoile(s) | | 4 | (2%) |
1 étoile(s) | | 6 | (3%) |
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Très bon
Evalué(e) à 5 étoile(s) sur 5.
Très bon produit
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Très bien
Evalué(e) à 5 étoile(s) sur 5.
Idéal pour redonner un coup de jeune à un plateau ayant bien servi.
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cr10 Smart
Evalué(e) à 3 étoile(s) sur 5.
j"ai commandé une plaque Pei pour la cr10 SMART et je reçois celle de la cr10 Smart pro??????
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310x320 pour Ender 6
Evalué(e) à 5 étoile(s) sur 5.
Bonne plaque bien rigide, le granulé de la plaque est très prononcé par contre, mais j'aime bien pour certaine pièces
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Daniel Devaux
Evalué(e) à 4 étoile(s) sur 5.
Bonne adérence très résistante
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Très bon plateau
Evalué(e) à 5 étoile(s) sur 5.
Acheté pour remplacer le plateau d'origine d'une Ender 3, le jour et la nuit. Très bonne adhérence au dessus de 75°. En dessous j'ai un peu de mal à faire accrocher des petites pièces malgré la bordure.
Je recommande pour un upgrade sans se ruiner.Cette évaluation vous a-t-elle été utile ? (2) (0)
Super plateau
Evalué(e) à 5 étoile(s) sur 5.
Ce plateau PEI est très efficace, toutes les pièces que j'imprime tiennent très bien, et se décollent facilement.
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Evalué(e) à 5 étoile(s) sur 5.
C'est de loin la meilleure surface d'impression que j'ai essayer. acheter celle-ci plutôt qu'une autre.
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Besoin d'une période de "rôdage"...
Evalué(e) à 4 étoile(s) sur 5.
Rien ne voulait adhérer à ce plateau avant de la chauffer à 90°C pendant 20 minutes, puis faire un nouveau nettoyage à l'alcool !
Surface donnant une finition plutôt granuleuse mais propre.
Testé avec TPU et PET-G.Cette évaluation vous a-t-elle été utile ? (5) (2)
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READ THIS FIRST (good product but the product page is missing important information)
Evalué(e) à 1 étoile(s) sur 5.
I'm leaving a one star review, in spite of the high quality of the product, to provide important information to people who would check for bad reviews before buying. Also, hopefully, to get the attention of the 3D Jake store, so they also put a notice on the product page. If this happens, I will happily correct this review to reflect my opinion, and my opinion only.
Both one star reviews with a comment mention the absolute lack of adherence of this PEI sheet. Coming from a glass bed, I had the exact same problem.
So I am leaving this review to explain what are the symptoms, why it happens, and how to mitigate or solve it.
When using a glass bed surface, the glass remains exactly flat (minus scratches and such) over time. However, with some low cost printers, such as mine (CR10 v1, which has the exact same dimensions as the v2, so this product fits it), the metal bed, being regularly heated, collapses slightly over time. Not by much, but with fine engineering such as 3D printing, a few fractions of a millimeter are enough for the nozzle to be too high, relatively to the bed, and this can in turn cause problems.
With a glass surface, the glass will not be making contact with the metal bed surface, and the air pocket will therefore drastically limit the heat transfer from the resistance under the metal bed to the glass. This is a symptom of this problem, and can be easily tested: since the glass is see-through, place a very small drop of water in the middle of the metal surface of the bed, and place the glass on top. You can estimate how much distance there is between the bottom metal surface and the top glass cover by observing the deformation of the water droplet as you put the glass in place. Thoroughly clean any water left over from both the metal and the glass to avoid subsequent corrosion.
With an adhesive surface, covered by a magnetically attached PEI sheet, such as this product, the metal surface collapse causes a different problem. In this case, both the adhesive surface and the PEI sheet will follow the metal surface exactly, and the heat transfer will be optimal. But, unlike with a glass surface, since the metal bed is slightly concave, so will the magnetic adhesive, and the PEI sheet be. This height difference between the edges and the center of the bed is enough for the nozzle to be too far (in the Z axis) from the bed in its middle (in both X and Y axis), and for the filament not to stick, even after following the correct bed leveling procedure (using the four knobs at each corner and probing once for every corner).
The mitigation for this problem is to account for the concavity of the surface. When leveling the bed, a fifth probe has to be taken in the middle, after the four corners, and the bed has to be lifted the same amount (important!) at every corner until the center is making proper contact. Then, the slicer has to be configured to account for the concave printing surface.
The solution to this problem is to either replace the metal surface of the bed, or fill the concave depression with a heat resistant and conducting material until the bed is flat again. However, this has to be done BEFORE installing this product, or you will only be able to mitigate the problem.
As for the product, when correctly installed and configured (according to the notes above), it is a five star product, I am extremely happy with it.
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